I also had referee problems. The referee of the paper in which I presented that proof insisted that Turing’s phrase “would naturally be regarded as computable” referred to mathematical naturalness – mathematical intuition – not nature. And so what I had proved wasn’t Turing’s conjecture.
Boy My First Love Story
You're so so handsome
My eyes my eyes are blinded
I can't breathe because I'm trembling
Oh I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love
What should I do? (What should I do~) About my trembling heart (My trembling heart)
(Thump thump thump thump) My heart kept thumping
So I couldn't fall asleep at night
My close friends tell me
That I'm really a helpless fool
But as I look at you~~
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
I can't even say anything
I'm too embarrassed
Do I not have any courage?
What would be the right thing to do?
Thump thump my heart is anxious as I'm looking at you
let us suppose a man to be engaged in the progressive voluptuousness of the most sensual scene. Here, if ever, we may expect sensation to be triumphant. Passion is in this case in its full career. He impatiently shuts out every consideration that may disturb his enjoyment; moral views and dissuasives can no longer obtrude themselves into his mind; he resigns himself, without power of resistance, to his predominant idea. Alas, in this situation, nothing is so easy as to extinguish his sensuality! Tell him at this moment that his father is dead, that he has lost or gained a considerable sum of money, or even that his favourite horse is stolen from the meadow, and his whole passion shall be instantly annihilated: so vast is the power which a mere proposition possesses over the mind of man. So conscious are we of the precariousness of the fascination of the senses that upon such occasions we provide against the slightest interruption.
Brilliant and exhilarating … Deutsch is so smart, and so strange, and so creative, and so inexhaustibly curious, and so vividly intellectually alive, that it is a distinct privilege to spend time in his head.
The Window.getComputedStyle() method returns an object containing the values of all CSS properties of an element, after applying active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain. Individual CSS property values are accessed through APIs provided by the object, or by indexing with CSS property names.
TO THE MIND THAT doubts that decisive role of genius, courage, and chance in the past, the future usually seems impossible; the Western world appears doomed to decay and coercion as its growing populations press against a closing frontier, and science and technology meet the law of diminishing returns. sociology of despair is emerging, based on spurious science, incomprehension of the hardships of all human history, and blindness to the perennial sources of human triumph. While physicists begin to concede freedom for microscopic particles, social scientists still begrudge it to human beings. Atomic structure is allowed room for the random and incalculable; but social structure is supposedly under siege by mechanistic forces of en tropy and exhaustion, playing out their logic in a "closing circle" of ecological decline.
These attitudes lead to systematic distortions of vision and policy. The mindset that prompts man to see the future blighted by coercion and scarcity also inclines him to believe that the present can be made as free of risk and uncertainty as the past, receding unchangeably in the lenses of hindsight.
Yet sleep has persisted. Heroically so. Indeed, every animal species carefully studied to date sleeps.III This suggests that sleep evolved with—or very soon after—life itself on our planet.