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Kieren misquotes David Deutsch
it [probability] can be metaphore, technique, approximation
8 months ago
Did Leonard Peikoff misquote ‘Atlas Shrugged’?
We do not think that tragedy is our natural state. We do not live in chronic dread of disaster. We do not expect disaster until we have specific reason to expect it, and when we encounter it, we are free to fight it. It is not happiness, but suffering, that we consider unnatural. It is not success but calamity that we regard as the abnormal exception in human life.
8 months ago
Ayn Rand Lexicon misquotes ‘The Inexplicable Personal Alchemy’
There is a fundamental conviction which some people never acquire, some hold only in their youth, and a few hold to the end of their days—the conviction that ideas matter . . . . That ideas matter means that knowledge matters, that truth matters, that one’s mind matters . . . . Its consequence is the inability to believe in the power or the triumph of evil. No matter what corruption one observes in one’s immediate background, one is unable to accept it as normal, permanent or metaphysically right. One feels: “This injustice (or terror or falsehood or frustration or pain or agony) is the exception in life, not the rule.” One feels certain that somewhere on earth—even if not anywhere in one’s surroundings or within one’s reach—a proper, human way of life is possible to human beings, and justice matters.
8 months ago
Is this a misquote of Ayn Rand’s ‘The Inexplicable Personal Alchemy’?
I knew enough, in my college days, to know that it was useless to attempt political protests in Soviet Russia. But that knowledge broke down, involuntarily, many times; so I would probably have been one of those protesters in the street who engaged in the terrible futility of debating with the secret police. I know how they felt and what would make them do it.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes their own interview with Andrew Bernstein
Parents need to realize that the powers-that-be don't want kids to get an education. They want kids to be indoctrinated and serve the state, and push us towards towards communism. That's their goal.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes ‘We the Living’
I don’t want to fight for the people, I don’t want to fight against the people...I just want to be left alone—to live.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Eisenhower
If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
8 months ago
‘Deutsch Explains’ misquotes David Deutsch (3)
Scientific theories are not ‘derived’ from anything. We do not read them in nature, nor does nature write them into us. They are guesses – bold conjectures. Human minds create them by rearranging, combining, altering, and adding to existing ideas with the intention of improving upon them. We do not begin with ‘white paper’ at birth but with inborn expectations and intentions and an innate ability to improve upon them using thought and experience.
8 months ago
‘Deutsch Explains’ misquotes David Deutsch (2)
Theory is a bad explanation not because it fails to explain everything (no theory does), but because what it leaves unexplained is effectively the same as what it purports to explain in the first place. (The theory that the designer of the biosphere was designed by another designer, and so on ad infinitum, is another example of an infinite regress.)
8 months ago
[Correction] Atlas Society did not misquote Bari Weiss
The universities play favorites based on the speech they prefer, and the racial group hierarchies they’ve established. It’s a nasty game and they need to be called to account for it.
8 months ago
[Outdated] Atlas Society misquotes Bari Weiss – improved regex
The universities play favorites based on the speech they prefer, and the racial group hierarchies they’ve established. It’s a nasty game and they need to be called to account for it.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Ronald Reagan
Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.
8 months ago
[Outdated] Atlas Society misquotes Bari Weiss
The universities play favorites based on the speech they prefer, and the racial group hierarchies they’ve established. It’s a nasty game and they need to be called to account for it.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Atlas Shrugged (3)
The man who discovers new knowledge is the permanent benefactor of humanity.
8 months ago
‘Deutsch Explains’ misquotes David Deutsch
The best argument against moral equivalency is that denying that one culture is better than another entails denying that the future state of one's own culture can be better than the present. It denies the possibility of progress, is hostile to it, and sides with evil.
8 months ago
David Deutsch misquotes Nick Squires’s Telegraph article
They concluded that the exact shade, texture and depth of the imprints on the cloth could only be produced with the aid of ultraviolet lasers – technology that was clearly not available in medieval times. They concluded that the marks were not made by paints, pigments or dyes and that the image was not “the product of an artist”, but that at the same time it could not be explained by modern science.
8 months ago
David Deutsch misquotes himself
I have settled on a simple test for judging claims […] to have explained the nature of consciousness (or any other computational task): If you haven’t programmed it, you haven’t understood it.
8 months ago
studentoflife misquotes Karl Popper
I believe it would be worth trying to learn something about the world even if trying to do so we should merely learn that we don’t know much… It might be well for us to remember that, while differing widely in what we do know, in our infinite ignorance we are all equal.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Bret Weinstein
The force that we're up against...made a terrible mistake...during COVID. It took all of the competent people. All of the courageous people, and it shoved them out of the institutions...and in so doing created the dream team.
8 months ago
The Independent misquotes Jon Miltimore
Hollywood millionaires talk about labor like they’re labor leader Jimmy Hoffa.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Javier Milei
They try to leech off others without working, they are tireless in their pursuit. so this battle must be waged increasingly. we cannot take a day off, because when we rest, socialism creeps in.
8 months ago
Daniel Gómez Gaviria steals quote from Seasteading Institute, misquotes them
Experiments are the source of all progress: to find something better, you have to try something new.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Seasteading Institute
Experiments are the source of all progress. To find something better, you must try something new.
8 months ago
Atlas Society misquotes Rand Paul
Try persuasion instead of government cudgels. Try humanity instead of arrogance. Try freedom instead of coercion.
8 months ago